VTuber Updates Privacy policy

Effective Date: November 22nd, 2022

Who Are we

VTuber Updates is a self-funded journalism website. Our website address is https://vtuberupdates.com. This policy will explain what information we collect when you use VTuber Update’s site and how we will use that information.

Information we Collect & How We Use it

Visitors to our website are recorded with Google Site Kit, and continued usage of our website directly implies consent to the collection of the personal data by these services. In order to give you the best possible experience using VTuber Updates, we collect how you came to access our website, and the pages you visit while on our website. Your IP address may also be recorded, but it is anonymous, if you are uncomfortable with this and would like to individually opt out of Google Site Kit services, we recommend that you do not continue to use and/or visit this website.

We use user information to:

  • Provide, test, improve, and personalize our service
  • Find out how users are using our service via non-identifying information

What we won’t use your information for:

  • Sharing with third parties
  • Making profit

If you would like to receive further information about this Policy or any of our about how we use data, please contact us from the contact page.